Miss Shelton's Reading Designs!
Bouncing the "B" Ball
Emergent Literacy
Rationale: This lesson will help students identify the phoneme /b/ that is represented by a B. Students will learn how to recognize /b/ when words are spoken by learning the symbol B and the representation (bouncing the ball), practice listening for /b/ in spoken words, and develop phoneme awareness with /b/ in phonetic cue reading by using the beginning letters of the words.
Materials: Poster with the tongue tickler: “Bill and Betty baked brown bread for Barbara's baby,” primary paper, pencils, flash cards with the words BUG,NEST,PACK,BIG,BUMP written on them, the book Big Brown Bear’s Up and Down Day.
1. “Today we are going to practice moving our mouth to make the sound /b/. We spell /b/ with the letter B. The word ball begins with the letter b and makes the sound /b/, and /b/ sounds like a dribbling ball.”
2. “Everyone stand up and pretend you are dribbling a ball, /b/, /b/, /b/, /b/
( make the /b/ sound while dribbling your pretend ball.) Notice where your lips are
when you say /b/. (pressed together). When we say /b/ we press our lips together, and then push them out.”
3. “Now I am going to show you how to find /b/ in the word cub. I will stetch the word out slowly and I want you to listen for my dribbling ball. Ccc-u-u-ub. I will try it slower: Ccc-u-u-u-bbbb. I could feel my lips push out at the end of the word.”
4. Let’s try the tongue twister that is on the poster: “Bill and Betty baked brown bread for Barbara's baby.” Let’s say it together. Now Stretch out the /b/ at the beginning of every word. “Bbbill and Bbbetty bbbaked bbbrown bbbread for Bbbarbra’s bbbaby.” This time we are going to break it off the word: “/b/ill and /b/etty /b/aked /b/rown /b/read for /b/arbara’s /b/aby.”
5. I am going to give you two words and I want you to tell me which word you here /b/ in: Do you hear /b/ in bug or fun? Jump or hug? Bump or nest? Let’s see if you can recognize the motion of /b/. When you see /b/ dribble you ball, if you don’t here it put your hands in the air: sing, big,bowl,happy,jump, bump, kite, jug, bunny.
6. Pass out primary paper and have students take out a pencil. “We use B to spell /b/. Let’s practice writing a capital B. Go straight down to the sidewalk;around for his big chest, and around for his big tummy. Now let’s try a lowercase b. Start at the roof, go down, b-b bounce up and around. Now practice ten more just like the ones we did together.”
7. Say: “Let’s look at a book called Big Brown Bear’s Up and Down Day. Book talk: A big, brown bear lives all alone. One day, a rat comes to his home planning on stealing one of Bear’s slippers. Will Bear be angry at rat? We will have to read to find out! When you hear the /b/ sound make it look as if you are bouncing a ball. Let’s give it a try, can everyone show me their best ball bouncing? You are doing great! Now let’s read the story and use our ball bouncing skills when we hear the /b/ sound.” Then have each student draw his or her favorite animal that starts with the letter b.
8. Show BUG and show the students how to decide if it is bug or mug: “The B tells me to bounce my ball; /b/,/b/,/b/. So this word is bbb-ug, bug. Now I want you to try some. BIG: big or fig? NEST: best or nest? BUMP: lump or bump? PACK: back or pack?”
9. To assess the students on b=/b/, pass out the worksheet. Have students color each picture that begins with B. Work individually with students who have not grasp b=/b/ once the assessment is complete. Call students individually to read the phonetic cue words from step #8.
Murray, Bruce A. Making Sight Words: Teaching Word Recognition from Phoneme Awareness to Fluency: How to Help Children Read Words Effortlessly without Memorization. Ronkonkoma, NY: Linus Publications, 2012. Print.
Kayla Stewart: Bouncing Bunnies with B
Mcphail, David. Big Brown Bear’s Up and Down Day. Harcourt Children's Books. c2003.
Assessment Worksheet:
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